Echos of Eldritch Major Players: Echos

Well Met Travelers.

Welcome to Echos of Eldritch: Major players. This is going to be a series about the major characters in my home campaign setting, Echos of Eldritch. In each installment of this series, I will discuss a single major NPC and their role in my world.

This week I am going to discuss Echos, probably the most important and powerful creature in the realm.

Echos is the only survivor of the death of the previous universe, and by surviving was imbued with godlike power. It is unknown why or how he survived, but he would go on to create the universe by painting it into existence, my cosmology it that of the cosmic painting. He is the father of this new universe. I will discuss the planes of existence and the painting in another series.

Little is known about Echos. His name has no translation of our language, for it is an Elysian Word, Elysian being the language of the Gods, angels, etc.

The closest translation of his name from this language is Father, Master, or Creator. This is why the name has been ascribed to him, for no one, not even the gods fully comprehend who Echos is and what he wants, all that is known is that he created all immortal creatures. These are the various gods, godlings, and demigods who inhabit the universe, and each will get their own write-up in time.

A few creatures in the universe claim to have seen Echos. He appears as a dark-haired human man in his late twenties or early thirties with pitch black eyes, which lack both an iris and white. He speaks with no emotion. This is because, during the creation of the universe, all emotion was leeched out of him to create his masterpiece. Those who claim to have met him say that he is without any form of humanity though he resembles mankind.

He resides within the plane of Ostium, in the City of Transposium. Ostium is the plane of existence beyond the stars, and most of its pieces are the leftover bits of previous universes that have since died. It is a void, the void beyond the stars where Lovecraftian horror and other aberrant forms of life dwell. Transposium is the cosmic metropolis, a trade city where you are likely to find goods from all planes of existence as well as strange pairings like a Araqoric (demonic) Duke holding a philosophical discussion with an archangel over a bottle of dwarven brandy as they play a game invented by a fey lord. Transposium also contains portals to every plane of existence, at least one per plane. The entire city floats on an island in the void. In Ostium, Time, Space, and Perspective are all irrelevant, for they change by the moment, as does the shape, size, and appearance of the city of Transposium.

There you have it; that is Echos, I may develop him more over time, but feel free to take him and do with him as you will.

Until Next Time, Farewell and Safe Journeys Travelers.


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