Administrators and Weekly Schedule

Well Met Travelers.

I'd like to welcome my new admins and fellow members of my gaming group, D20+Numbers (hence the name change for the blog), The Owl and Ivory.Queen. They are going to be helping me with this, hopefully, fruitful venture. Give them nice salutations in the comments below.

Also, I have my schedule for posting on this blog:

Mondays are going to be my scheduled weekly posts. This is a guaranteed post every week.

On top of my Monday posts, anytime during the week that I find something interesting or just feel like nerding out about Table Top RPGs, I will post about the subject.

Owl and Ivory have their own posts that will be coming out as they see fit. I'm not sure what their plans are, but Ivory has made mention of perhaps doing obscure characters or strange lists. I look forward to their contributions in this adventure.

I think that's it for now.

Until next time Farewell and Safe Journeys Travelers.


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