People of Antediluvian: Halflings
Well Met Travelers,
Welcome to another of my worldbuilding sessions.
The Last two weeks, I have covered the Paragons of the Fantasy Genre, Elves and Dwarves.
This week, I shall move away from these fantasy icons and cover a small (pardon the pun) race, the Halflings.
The Halflings are a friendly race of humanoids and are some of the most kind-hearted creatures in all of Antediluvian.
Halflings are often referred to as the Small Folk, for they are one of the most diminutive of races, the average height being around just three feet tall. Their hair color tends to range through all of the typical human colors, although reds and browns tend to be the most prevalent. Eye color among halflings tends to be soft, often blues, greens, hazels, and sometimes purple. Halflings also tend to have larger feet than most races; they often forgo shoes which helps to contribute to the Halfling's natural stealthiness.
Halflings often dress in similar styles of the Tallfolk whose civilizations surround them so desert dwelling halflings will wear more flowing attire, while coastal halflings may wear outfits more appropriate for life on the sea. While style is dependent on the surrounding areas, color is another matter. Halflings will almost always dress in the brightest and flashiest colors they can find, especially blues and yellows for whatever reason. Halflings will also adorn themselves with any shiny or flashy bits of jewelry they can find, ignoring tackiness or if item clashes with the rest of their attire.
Culturally speaking, halflings are quite an interesting group. Halflings are, as I have said, a friendly and peaceful people. Their communities are often small and close Knit; they take care of each other. Halflings revere the god Obo as their creator and patron, but they rarely worship or praise him as other races worship their gods. Halfling adulthood is an interesting concept, for it is not marked by age, rather it is marked by pilgrimage. All halflings go through a period of Wanderlust in their late teens or early twenties, and this wanderlust takes them all over the world. A halfling is considered an adult when their wanderlust ends and they settle down into halfling society.
Where magic is concerned, halflings tend to be a wildcard. They have no natural affinity towards any form of magic, but when they put the effort in to study a particular field, they usually master it. Halflings have no formal way of entering any field of magic, usually, the easiest way for a halfling to learn magic is for them to stumble upon some sort of magical tome, or for a master of the art to happen through their village, and in the process, take an apprentice.
Halfling governmental structure is interesting, for they usually organize themselves into some sort of Oligarchy. While in our world, the word oligarchy comes with some negative connotations, It does not carry the same negativity among the halflings of Antediluvian. The halfling form of oligarchy chooses its oligarchs based on various goods. Some halfling communities base leadership on wealth, while others base leadership on the amount of shiny things you own. One community even bases its leadership on the number of sheep a family owns.
Marriage and Funerary Rights
A halfling marriage ceremony is a wonderful and glorious event. Firstly, in Halfling Society, the husband takes the Wife’s last name rather then the wife taking the husband’s. The ceremony itself involves each of the Fathers of the Newlyweds delivering a speech. The mothers of the couple are responsible for making the garments that the couple will wear on their wedding day. The Ceremony takes place at a pavilion in an open field. Each guest brings a ribbon to the wedding to play a wedding game. Before the bride and groom say their vows and the “I Do”, the bride and groom both run off and hide. The bride’s family must then seek out the groom, and the groom’s family must seek out the bride. The ribbons are Tied in the hair of the person when they are found, and once every member of the family has tied their ribbon, the bride and groom return to the pavilion to finish the ceremony.
Halfling’s funerals are contrary to most others, for they are not sad events. Halfling funerals are happy events, for the deceased has finally moved on to be with Obo. The funeral begins by filling the pockets, pouches, and bags of the deceased with their favorite possessions, so that the person may take these possessions into the afterlife with them. The person and all of their possessions are then entombed within a barrow mound. On top of being buried with items of value, the halfling is also buried with clay soldiers, hounds, and other models that will serve the deceased in the afterlife. These models also act as golems and will animate to protect the tomb. These golems are made magical through a week-long festival held outside the barrow, celebrating the deceased’s life. The raw emotion of celebrating the dead gives life to the tomb guardians. The tombs are designed to be as homey as possible for the halfling it was made for.
I think that is it for this week. If you enjoyed, press the follow button in the sidebar.
Until Next Time,
Farewell and Safe Journeys, Travelers.
Welcome to another of my worldbuilding sessions.
The Last two weeks, I have covered the Paragons of the Fantasy Genre, Elves and Dwarves.
This week, I shall move away from these fantasy icons and cover a small (pardon the pun) race, the Halflings.
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The Halflings are a friendly race of humanoids and are some of the most kind-hearted creatures in all of Antediluvian.
Halflings are often referred to as the Small Folk, for they are one of the most diminutive of races, the average height being around just three feet tall. Their hair color tends to range through all of the typical human colors, although reds and browns tend to be the most prevalent. Eye color among halflings tends to be soft, often blues, greens, hazels, and sometimes purple. Halflings also tend to have larger feet than most races; they often forgo shoes which helps to contribute to the Halfling's natural stealthiness.
Halflings often dress in similar styles of the Tallfolk whose civilizations surround them so desert dwelling halflings will wear more flowing attire, while coastal halflings may wear outfits more appropriate for life on the sea. While style is dependent on the surrounding areas, color is another matter. Halflings will almost always dress in the brightest and flashiest colors they can find, especially blues and yellows for whatever reason. Halflings will also adorn themselves with any shiny or flashy bits of jewelry they can find, ignoring tackiness or if item clashes with the rest of their attire.
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Culturally speaking, halflings are quite an interesting group. Halflings are, as I have said, a friendly and peaceful people. Their communities are often small and close Knit; they take care of each other. Halflings revere the god Obo as their creator and patron, but they rarely worship or praise him as other races worship their gods. Halfling adulthood is an interesting concept, for it is not marked by age, rather it is marked by pilgrimage. All halflings go through a period of Wanderlust in their late teens or early twenties, and this wanderlust takes them all over the world. A halfling is considered an adult when their wanderlust ends and they settle down into halfling society.
Where magic is concerned, halflings tend to be a wildcard. They have no natural affinity towards any form of magic, but when they put the effort in to study a particular field, they usually master it. Halflings have no formal way of entering any field of magic, usually, the easiest way for a halfling to learn magic is for them to stumble upon some sort of magical tome, or for a master of the art to happen through their village, and in the process, take an apprentice.
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Halfling governmental structure is interesting, for they usually organize themselves into some sort of Oligarchy. While in our world, the word oligarchy comes with some negative connotations, It does not carry the same negativity among the halflings of Antediluvian. The halfling form of oligarchy chooses its oligarchs based on various goods. Some halfling communities base leadership on wealth, while others base leadership on the amount of shiny things you own. One community even bases its leadership on the number of sheep a family owns.
Marriage and Funerary Rights
A halfling marriage ceremony is a wonderful and glorious event. Firstly, in Halfling Society, the husband takes the Wife’s last name rather then the wife taking the husband’s. The ceremony itself involves each of the Fathers of the Newlyweds delivering a speech. The mothers of the couple are responsible for making the garments that the couple will wear on their wedding day. The Ceremony takes place at a pavilion in an open field. Each guest brings a ribbon to the wedding to play a wedding game. Before the bride and groom say their vows and the “I Do”, the bride and groom both run off and hide. The bride’s family must then seek out the groom, and the groom’s family must seek out the bride. The ribbons are Tied in the hair of the person when they are found, and once every member of the family has tied their ribbon, the bride and groom return to the pavilion to finish the ceremony.
Halfling’s funerals are contrary to most others, for they are not sad events. Halfling funerals are happy events, for the deceased has finally moved on to be with Obo. The funeral begins by filling the pockets, pouches, and bags of the deceased with their favorite possessions, so that the person may take these possessions into the afterlife with them. The person and all of their possessions are then entombed within a barrow mound. On top of being buried with items of value, the halfling is also buried with clay soldiers, hounds, and other models that will serve the deceased in the afterlife. These models also act as golems and will animate to protect the tomb. These golems are made magical through a week-long festival held outside the barrow, celebrating the deceased’s life. The raw emotion of celebrating the dead gives life to the tomb guardians. The tombs are designed to be as homey as possible for the halfling it was made for.
I think that is it for this week. If you enjoyed, press the follow button in the sidebar.
Until Next Time,
Farewell and Safe Journeys, Travelers.